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Showing posts from January, 2013

Best Quotes About Imam Hussain By Mahatma Gandi

Image Source: SeekPerfection Quotes are the words which are always remembered and mentioned in many ways. There are too many best quotes in all fields of life  i.e. short funny quotes , love quotes for her , inspiring quotes for life , quotes about being strong , which you might love to read and share. So here are few of them. My admiration for the noble sacrifice of Imam Hussein (a.s) as a martyr abounds because he accepted death and the torture of thrust for himself, for his sons, and for his whole family, but did not submit to unjust authorities. - Mahatma Gandhi I learnt from Hussain how to achieve victory while being oppressed. - Mahatma Gandhi My faith is that the progress of Islam does not depend on the use of sword by its believers, but the result of the supreme sacrifice of Hussain. - Mahatma Gandhi If India wants to be a successful country it must follow in the footsteps of Imam Hussain(as). - Mahatma Gandhi If I had an army like the 72 soldiers of Huss

Quotes About Imam Hussain R.A by Hazrat Muhammad p.bu.h

“Hasan (Imam Hussain’s elder brother) and Hussain are the leaders of the youth of Paradise” - Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w   “As a result of the assassination of Hussain such a warmth will be kindled in the hearts of the believers that shall not become cold till the Day of Ressurection.” - Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w "Hussain o minni wa ana minal Hussain" - Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. - Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w Read More Quotes About Imam Hussain